October 18, 2024

About Me

I began in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1976.  Though I began in Manitoba, I have spend most of my life in Alberta.  I graduated from Bert Church High School in Airdrie and lived some of my younger years in Huntington Hills, Calgary.  Today I live in the foothills in Okotoks.  The only other place I have ever lived was Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.  I spent three years in S’toon growing through the ages of 13 and 16.  I think fondly of that time and place.  They were formative years.  I learned about spirituality, love, friendship, and family.

I am married to quite a fantastic person, Kristy.  It was with her that I helped make two boys, Levi and Seth.  Kristy is a great mom and an even better wife.  Levi and Seth make me feel like I have a purpose.

I was raise by two great parents who were already married when I was born and are still married to each other today.  I suspect I might be in the minority on that fact, but I’m one of those people.  My sister is too.  She is three years my senior.

So what am I doing here?  Just sharing really.  Nothing much more than that.  I enjoy being creative so you will find some of my creativity here as well.  I am a musician as well as a photographer and an artist.  I do all of these today as hobbies.

I also kind of delight in finding the best thing in it’s class.  I like to find the best prices, the best quality, the best tasting, the coolest (etc.) things I can.  I will post about them here.